Mix the egg, milk, butter, vanilla, and pancake mix until smooth.
Dip a cookie in the batter, covering it completely.
Carefully slip it into the preheated oil.
Fry until golden on both sides.
Drain on paper towels.
Roll in sugar, Confectioner's sugar, or sugar and cinnamon.
This fried Oreos recipe could not be easier, y'all... but here are a few tips to ensure your complete success!
Watch the video below to see how thick the batter should be. You may need up to ⅓ cup more pancake mix.
Don't overload the fryer. Just fry a couple at a time.
I use peanut oil because it fries cleaner than most other oils and makes things light and crispy. If you have peanut allergies to deal with then any light vegetable oil is fine.
Be sure to clean your fryer and replace the oil often. Rancid oil will make your fried foods taste gross.
Try all of the Oreo variations to see which are your favorite. I'm a classic gal, myself.
Use powdered sugar instead of sugar crystals to dust them after they're fried if you like.
Keep small kids and pets out of the kitchen while you are frying - the hot oil can really injure you, your kiddo, or your pet if you stumble over someone in a crowded space.
Beware... knowing how to make these means that you'll be harassed constantly by family and friends to serve them at every movie night and pool party!
If you are going to make these I'd suggest making them in small batches unless you are entertaining and you have a ton of people. It's a fun recipe but the cookies are rich and you really can't eat all that many.