Halloween Cheese Ball


Wondering what to serve at your Halloween party?

This cheeseball has a spicy southwestern flavor and it's SO cute as a jack-o-lantern or just a plain pumpkin!

bell pepper

spicy Cheetos

spicy ranch seasoning


cream cheese

green onion

Cheddar cheese

rubber bands

Chop the vegetables

Put room temperature ingredients in mixer.

Mix together until blended

Put cheese puffs in blender

Pulse until fine crumbs are formed

Lay a piece of plastic wrap on the table. Cover with the Cheese Puffs crumbs. Gather the cheese mixture into a ball. Place in the middle of the plastic wrap. Pull the plastic wrap up around the cheese ball.

Wrap rubber bands tightly around the plastic wrap to form the "pumpkin" shape.

Chill overnight.

Next day remove the rubber bands and plastic wrap.

You'll probably need to add more crumbs at this point. Just push them in gently.

Add the bell pepper stem and the cilantro for vines.

Decorate with cut black olives stuck on with toothpicks.

Now you're ready for that party!

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