Homemade dog food recipes for senior dogs and those with medical issues aren't as difficult to make as I thought they would be. If you use my tips it doesn't even take that much time! Just a note - I am not a vet. This recipe was given to me by my vet to feed to my dog that has kidney failure. It is meant to be low protein. You should not feed this (or any new food) to your dog without talking to your vet first.

If you are following the Restless Chipotle Facebook page you already know that we had a serious issue with Cuddles, our pit bull (yes... Cuddles. If you have a pit you understand why that name, I'm sure).
We aren't sure how it happened but he got a bacterial infection and his kidneys began to shut down. He spent a week in doggie ICU -- refusing to eat.
When he got home he refused the special low-protein dog food and he just got thinner and thinner. It was time for some homemade dog food recipes!
I finally started making a dog food gruel that he would eat and he began to make a comeback.
It was a long, hard road! When I took him in for his check up and talked to the vet she gave me a recipe that she approved of. You see, although we have always fed our dogs premium dog food the protein was way too high for Cuddles now.
My vet explained that even our older dogs who were healthy should have less protein than before. She said dog food recipes for Cuddles had to be under 20 grams of protein but under 10 was better.
This recipe has 6.9% protein and Cuddles loves it. In fact, our older dog does, too. He is playing and jumping around like a puppy.
The other two (yes, we have four -- 2 yorkies that moved in when my husband and I got married and my old dog which is a long haired chihuaha mix-up, and then Cuddles) like the food as well so I mix it in with their dog food.
Cuddles is a rescue dog - both of my dogs are.
We found him under our porch one day. When my son coaxed him out we saw that his chest and shoulders were basically shredded. He had been used as a bait dog -- thrown in with pit bulls being trained to fight.
I am horrified to say that there is a lot of that in my area. Anyway, my son had been wanting a pit bull and praying for one -- who am I to argue with God?
We found him on a Saturday so of course there were no vets open. I wasn't sure if he wasn't going to need his leg amputated it was so bad.
Shreds of flesh and muscle infested with maggots. I had my husband and son hold him so I could clean the wounds with cotton swabs and a copious amount of peroxide.
I was nervous because here I was digging into this dog's wounds and he was a big dog with big teeth -- even if he was skinny.
That dog never even snapped at me. He looked it me with those big eyes and pushed at my hand with his nose. That was all. I
cleaned those wounds a couple times a day all weekend long and then to my vet.They kept him overnight, put him out, scrubbed a couple of pounds of mud and dried blood off of him, then fixed him up.
When you make homemade dog food recipes for senior dogs, and those with kidney failure, it's important to use the fattiest, cheapest ground beef you can find. You want more fat and less protein.
Totally the opposite of what I do when I'm making meatballs for us, for example.
I get a big chub pack and cook all of it up at once with the eggs that go in the recipe. Then I divide in in portions and freeze it. When I need another batch of food I thaw it and add the rest of the ingredients. So easy!
The recipe calls for boiled eggs but I crack raw eggs into the nearly cooked ground beef and then cover the pan until everything is cooked and the yolks are cooked through. Then I chop them into the ground beef.
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It's very important that you use a kitchen scale to make this and to serve it. It must be done by weight.
This is similar to the kitchen scale I use and it works really well.
Escali Glass Digital Kitchen Scale is thin and accurate plus easy to clean. Just remember to put your dogs bowl on the scale and zero the scale out before measuring in the food.
Measure everything very accurately and be sure not to make any substitutions or changes. The food should be refrigerated in an airtight container and eaten within three or four days.
Also - get a good canine multivitamin like (another affiliate link) Pet MD Multivitamin plus Minerals. This is extremely important because your food will not be enriched like the commercial foods are.
I am sad to update this to say that Cuddles succumbed to his kidney disease but he lasted longer than the vet thought he would. His kidneys were just very weak.
We miss him terribly but within a few months two more pitties were at our kitchen door, starved and abused. We just couldn't resist Toby and Bisous.
Homemade Dog Food Recipes for Senior Dogs
Print Save Recipe Rate RecipeIngredients
- ¼ pound ground beef, (do not use lean)
- 2 cups cooked white rice, (no salt)
- 1 hard cooked egg, , peeled and chopped
- 3 slices white bread, , crumbled
- 1 teaspoon calcium carbonate, (blend a bottle of calcium carbonate in the blender until it's a powder then keep in a resealable plastic bag)
- Cook the beef until it is cooked through.
- Stir in the remaining ingredients and mix it well.
- Feed twice a day.
- Be sure to give your dog a vitamin supplement.
5 pounds feed ¼ pound
10 pounds feed ½ pound
20 pounds feed 1 pound
40 pounds feed 1 ½ pounds
60 pounds feed 2 pounds
80 pounds feed 2 ½ pounds
100 pounds feed 3 pounds
Nutrition information is estimated as a courtesy. If using for medical purposes, please verify information using your own nutritional calculator. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.
This recipe has been tested several times. If you choose to use other ingredients, or change the technique in some way, the results may not be the same.
Candace says
Hi! My dog has kidney disease and is being super picky and I came across this recipe and wanted to give it a try. I have some calcium carbonate at home and 1/2 teaspoon is 600mg. Just curious if that is equivalent to your 1 teaspoon you are referring to in your recipe? TIA!
Marye Audet says
I believe so, yes. 🙂
Darlene Brungardt says
Bread is not good for dogs . Rice shouldn’t be given long term either. Rice with chicken when there sick and they need a small amount of vegetables for digestion. I’d suggest research before changing any diet from a trust worthy source.
Marye Audet says
Again, as I mentioned in the post - This is a recipe from my vet for my dog. I posted it as information and I always suggest that you talk to your own vet before changing your dog's diet. 🙂
Rayne says
Can you suggest an alternative to bread and rice as my dog is allergic to grains as well as having kidney disease
Marye Audet says
Rayne it would be best to discuss that with your vet. 🙂
Pauline says
My daughter works at my vets and she asked him on my behalf if this recipe would be appropriate for my senior/renal problemed dogs and he said it would be “Perfect”. Therefore we are in the kitchen cooking up batches of it..just hope they like it...
Jill Bello says
the egg shell can be used in place of the calcium carbonate.
Bonbon says
This recipe saved my dogs life.
Bonnie says
All I know is this recipe is vastly improving my dogs quality of life. Before he was up and down all night panting and drinking water and urinating. The next day after giving him this food he was back. His old self.I don't use the bread I put some cooked carrots in the food processor then add. He is very picky but eats this. If your dog is picky just let them get a little hungry introduce the food then don't watch them haha!
Megan says
I'm confused, my vet said low fat and low protein for my dog with renal failure. Did your vet tell you otherwise?
Marye Audet says
Megan. this is the recipe I got from my vet for my dog. I always recommend checking with your vet before any dietary changes
Em says
My vet just recommended high fat, low protein (more carbs, less protein basically) for my senior chi who has been on an rx renal diet.
R Remillard, PhD, DVM, ACVN says
This recipe is from a copyrighted textbook titled: Small Animal Clinical Nutrition, appendix 3-1 written by Dr. Lon D Lewis in 1987. It is not nutritionally complete and balanced even with the suggested OTC canine vitamin mineral tab.
Canine Nutrition has evolved over the last 30 yrs, and this recipe containing 20% protein is higher than currently recommended for adult dogs with renal disease.
Please take great care when feeding your sick pet as much of the 'free' information on the web is worth exactly what you paid for it .... and possibly harmful.
Marye Audet says
Thank you. This was given to my by my vet 3 years ago so it is the best information I have. I also posted several times that one should ALWAYS check with one's vet before trying any new feeding program.
Paul Smith says
If we could only have the ingredients listed on the very expensive vet precription diets us on low incomes could afford to care for our animals better. Rather than put your recipe down the vet above might suggest a better recipe perhaps?
Circus says
I agree that the vet could have tried to be more helpful instead of just making critical comments. This is terribly confusing to the layperson, and diet can make a huge impact on our dogs' health and longevity, especially when dealing with renal disease. It's a shame that the animal has to suffer when we cannot afford to take them to the vet 5 or 10 times to work these dietary things out. Bad enough that the blood work to diagnose costs hundreds of dollars, and the medicine (calcitriol) is also fairly expensive. I'm disabled with multiple chronic health conditions and feel terrible that I can't spend unlimited amounts of money on my dog.
Pat says
This is the same exact recipe I was just given..The only difference is that mine said to add a complete vitamin supplement (I use pet tabs) to it daily. Plus, I add a Pet glucosamine tablet once a day as well. I just ground the supplements into a powder and add to each serving separately)
Kellie says
Thank you for the recipes! With all the recalls I would feel that the food I am feeding is safe!!
The belief that low protein diets for dogs with renal disease has changed to dogs with renal disease, and senior dogs actually need a high protein diet as their bodies no longer process protein as efficiently as needed.
Although, a dog in acute liver failure needs to have a high quality low protein diet as ammonium levels, from digesting protein, can elevate quickly. The compromised liver isn’t able to rid the body of high ammonium levels as needed.
Pauline says
I think it would better serve the public if the Vet criticising the diet would come up with an updated alternative then. Or maybe that would cut into profits gained from the sales of the very expensive KD food that I am currently buying. Wasn’t your profession all about the animals once upon a time Dr?
Kathy says
What was the point of your reply? Instead of complaining on copyrighted material, (which we don't care about. We just want to help our dogs), and saying that we should be careful of the recipes we use, why don't you offer up a better, "updated" recipe?
Teri says
Thank you for sharing but one question....what kind of calcium carbonate should be used and where is it available? After looking online I found many choices but I'm just not sure which one is the correct and safe one to use with dogs.
Marye Audet says
I'd suggest checking with your vet to be sure what you're getting is right for your dog.
Ellen says
I have a question about using the scale. You don't mention in the recipe any weights. So how do you know how many grams of protein etc. are in the food when you only use imperial measures?
Marye Audet says
well since the portion sizes are based on weight I can't figure the nutrition on my nutrition calculator - it would be different for every size dog. I got this recipe from my vet for my dog. You should ALWAYS check with your own vet before changing your dog's diet.
Jennifer says
Hi Thank you for this. I rescued a dog with renal failure and he is very thin. I am going to make up a batch of this tonight. Question though... The weight for the food to give the dog per day is that off one batch or is that the ground beef weight?
Thank you!
Marye Audet says
the weight of the food.
Kellie Wasden says
Great information! Is the recommended feed about (pounds per day) pounds of protein or the entire mixture? My Juno is 110 pounds, so 3 pounds of food each day total? Or 3 pounds of protein?
Marye Audet says
3 pounds of food - but I suggest you discuss this with your vet just to make sure.
Janie says
Hi - is there an acceptable substitution for the bread in this recipe? My dog is allergic to wheat in addition to having kidney disease.
Marye Audet says
Janie - I don't know. This is the recipe given to my by my vet so I'd hesitate to suggest changes.
Katie King says
What about phosphorous? Does this diet address this at all? I'm trying to figure out the best diet for my pup who was recently diagnosed with CRF and phosphorous is hard on kidneys. Any info is appreciated.
Marye Audet says
I'd suggest discussing this with your vet. 🙂 Just to be on the safe side.
Koby says
Your recipe looks good, but in doing research and in discussions with my vet, Phosphorous should also e limited in dogs with kidney issues. I also include eggs in my homemade diet, but only the egg whites. The yolks are higher in phosphorous. Check vegetables or fruits you include as some are higher in phosphates. Anything on a label with "phos" ingredients should be limited. I search for lower protein treats with no artificial preservatives. Thank you for your recipe!
Marye Audet says
Thanks! This is the recipe my vet suggested in my situation. I always suggest discussing any diet changes with your vet. Thank you for the information!
Karen says
You could try gluten free bread.
Rebecca says
Me too! Have you found anything?
Fsops says
Dr. Harveys diet for dogs with renal problems uses other items in place of grain. Look it up on the web.
Jason says
This recipe says "yields 1".
...One what?
Marye Audet says
It's a typo. There should not be any yield on it at all.
Mary Kutheis says
What a wonderful story about Cuddles. Bless you! One of my dear friends has a pit and he is the sweetest most lovable buddy.
Thank you for this recipe! Do you drain the fat off of the ground beef? I'm thinking no, but want to make sure.
Marye Audet says
Thank you. Sadly, Cuddles died last fall from complications. However, in June of this year two female pit bulls showed up at our house. One was so thin you could count her ribs and she'd lost her hair. Well, they are sweethearts and definitely love being part of our family now! We miss Cuddles but we love the ones God sent us to comfort us!
Jen says
So sorry for your loss Thank you for sharing 5his recipe. My 15 year old yorkie poo has been diagnosed with kidney failur and she doesn't like the prescription food
Fontaine says
Cuddles was blessed to have found y'all as I know you feel that way about him. What a sweet story. I'm so sorry for your loss. I choose to believe that all of our furry friends that have gone before us will be there to greet us on that day when we cross over. "He knows the desires of our heart" (ps. 37:4).?
Have fun with your two new girls... God is good ❣️
Marye Audet says
All the time! Thank you so much!
Fontaine says
I was also wondering about the fat being drained off. Does it stay or go?
Kathy says
Did you get an answer? Does the fat stay or go?
Marye Audet says
Keep all the fat.
Vicki Sutton says
What if my 6lb plus terrier mix with kidney disease wants more than 4 ounces of food a day?
carrie lange says
I have one dog with kidney failure and one dog with liver failure. They are both elderly. Would this diet work for both of them, do you know? If not, do you know of a diet that would suffice for both? I'm finding lots of diets for kidney, but not really any for liver problems. Thank you.
Marye Audet says
You 'll need to discuss that with your vet. I have no idea. :/
Lisa says
Hi Mary I'm Lisa my boy also has liver disease did find out anything regarding a diet?
Vicki Sutton says
What does "awaiting moderation" mean? My comments from yesterday disappeared.
Marye Audet says
I have to approve comments before they show up. Your comments were here, they just hadn't been approved yet. I take weekends off to spend time with my family. 🙂
Vicki Sutton says
Thank you. I saw that it was "per day" just now. He likes it so far.
Vicki Sutton says
I have a 6 lb dog with adv. kidney disease. Do I feed him 1/4 lb twice a day or feed the 1/4 lb in two 1/8 lb feedings?
Marye Audet says
You would feed him 1/4 pound per day in either one 1/4 pound or two 1/8 pound feedings.
Elizabeth says
My mastiff, Tootles (she was the runt of the litter..), just got diagnosed with a kidney and bladder infection. This is the best recipe I have found! Thank you for this (:
p.s. the link to the multivitamin leads me to a page that says the vitamin is no longer available. I just wanted to let you know!
Marye Audet says
Thank you!
DRY FOOD 6 LBS FOR $37.50.
Marye Audet says
Always check with your vet before changing your dogs' diets. Our vet encouraged us to allow all of our dogs to eat this food but it may be different for your dogs. This is the only recipe I have. 🙂
Sherry says
My dog max is in icu right now don't know what to do vet said it could take up to a week they didn't tell me what stage he's in but when he was home I tried it an he ate the food hope I can continue to make it for him I just want to know what kind of odds they told you for cuddles I guess I am looking for someone to help ez my mind well I am waiting for my max to come home
Marye Audet says
I'm sorry, Sherry. I hope Max gets better soon.
Donna darl says
Molly passed away this afternoon.
In her sleep in her bed. ❤️
Marye Audet says
I am so sorry, Donna... but what a blessing it was peaceful and at home. I'm thinking of you during this time. 🙁
Donna Darl says
Hey I've just found this upon searching for kidney diet for my nearly 16 year old staffy Molly.
Have made a batch. She wolfed it down last night. Do you give it to them straight from the fridge ?
Marye Audet says
Yes I do.